Hi. Glad you've joined us. We're the Socials, "Socs" for short. We are good at sports, popular, go to good parties, get drunk, then go to school the next day and get an award for best student. We're rich and we do whatever we want. We have fancy cars, fancy clothes, pretty girlfriends, and more. We wear Madra shirts and drive mustangs. It's good you joined us and not the greasers, they're awful. They're violent and their hair is just so ugly. At this point, we just jump them for fun. Not all of us do it, though.
Robert Sheldon
Robert Sheldon, Bob for short, was one of the Socs that jumped Johnny at first and gave him PTSD. The second time around, Bob had attempted to drown Ponyboy in a fountain, and Johnny killed Bob. It was said in the book that he only did it because Bob's parents let him get away with anything he wanted. All he wanted was a restriction. Bob was described as a good-looking guy with wavy hair and a charming smile. Robert was said to be friendly and out-going. He is best friends with Randy. He is Cherry's boyfriend. In the 1983 film, Bob is played by Leif Garrett.

Cherry Valance
Cherry Valance is Bob's girlfriend. She is a cheerleader and very popular. She has long red hair, which is why people call her "Cherry", and green eyes. She is described as very beautiful. She is very independant, which she shows when she throws the coke in Dally's face at the movie theater. She isn't really a Soc. She hangs out with Ponyboy and the other greasers, and hates the Soc lifestyle, but still looks and acts like a Soc. Her best friend is Marcia. In the 1983 film, she is played by Diane Lane.

Randy Adderson
Randy was Bob's best friend. He attended the beat-up where Bob had been killed. He is originally seen as a stereotypical Soc, but as the story progresses, Ponyboy discovers that Randy just got caught up in the whole mess and didn't want Bob to mess with them. Ponyboy has a heart to heart later in the book after Ponyboy comes back from running away. In the 1983 film, Randy Adderson is played by Darren Dalton.